SVD Single-stage vertical sump pump (API610/VS4)

SVD Single-stage vertical sump pump (API610/VS4)

SVD Single-stage vertical sump pump (API610/VS4)

SVD Single-stage vertical sump pump (API610/VS4)

Model:API610 VS4

Capacities:Q~600 m3/h
Heads:H~150 m
Temperatures:T-20℃ ~120℃,0℃ ~170℃,0℃ ~470℃
Pressure:P~2.5 MPa

The long-shaft submerged pump is installed vertically, the shaft connection structure is safe and reliable, the rotor part can be adjusted axially, the rotor part adopts multi-point support for reliable operation, the sliding bearing is flushed and lubricated, and the pump vortex chamber with a diameter of 80mm or more adopts a double volute structure. Radial forces are balanced.

Clean or polluted, low temperature or high temperature, chemically neutral or corrosive liquids; refinery, petrochemical, chemical industry, coal chemical industry, power station, photovoltaic power generation, sewage treatment, papermaking and general industrial applications.

Headline Four

Text blocks should be constructed such that they 'honor and reveal' the relationships between the various elements - headings, subheadings, quotes, asides and footnotes. Robert Bringhurst recommends a character count per line of approximately 66 letters for optimum legibility, but accepts that anything between 45 and 75 is satisfactory.

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2024-11-27 16:12:03 来自: project@enc-temp.com
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'Open Drain Sump Pump with Motor Full set (P-4360B) ' Manufacturing Model : 170725-293 Description : SVD25-200 / Capacity : 5m3/N / Head : 39m / Speed : 2950rpm / MAWP : 14 Barg MAWT : 150C
Source Pumps & Systems Co.,Ltd.
Source Pumps & Systems Co.,Ltd.

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